Crow Creek Water Reclamation Facility

Cheyenne Board of Public Utilities (BOPU),Cheyenne, WY

A lot of progress has been made as of August 22, 2014.  All structural concrete work has been completed, most of the structural steel is in place, all structural masonry is complete and most of the masonry veneer is finished.  Electricians, plumbers, and HVAC installers have been working on their respective rough-ins for a few weeks now.

June 20 2014




AVI is a partner with HDR on the Cheyenne Board of Public Utilities’ new Operations/Headworks Building at the Crow Creek Water Reclamation Facility.  The new facility is designed as a concrete block building with metal roof joists to complement the existing plant upgrades in 2007.  The operations component is supplemented with a new headworks unit consisting of two new screens and degritting units including a screen washer compactor, and grit dewatering equipment. Cost:  $5.0 M Completion Date: December 2014

Pictures show progress on (May 21, 2014) the administrative office area, garage storage area, electrical/mechanical room, and the headworks backfilling to base of influent channel slabs.



They were particularly good working with the contractors. The skillset of the group was particularly strong with civil engineering and road/drainage designs, but not quite as strong in natural channel design principles. – Luke Schultz – Coal Creek Sediment Reduction and Bank Stabilization



Luke Schultz – Coal Creek Sediment Reduction and Bank Stabilization

AVI personnel working on this project have provided excellent service and good responsiveness. Very much team players and valuable as resources.

Marcia Murdock, AML Project Manager

AVI completed a very good report, detailing multiple surfacing options and developed cost estimates for each option — good job!

Kevin Stogsdill, PE-WYDOT Interstate 80 RECON

I was very impressed by the timely efforts including straightening out the problem R/W survey that had stalled the project for years.

Dan Lyons, PE-WYDOT Veteran Road

AVI is one of our best consultants. They have proven they can handle multiple projects at one time. WYDOT would be hard pressed to give AVI a project they could not handle.

Cliff Spoonemore, PE-WYDOT Snowy Range Road